Monday, 20 October 2008


Sorry if I've been AWOL for a while, I do have a good reason, no Internet access at home.
WHAT I hear you ask? no Internet?
Yes, that's right, I am net less, sob. The reason is not a lack of broadband, but rather a lack of computer at home. My pc has gone shopwards, as we now have an office upstairs there, so technically I can do accounts and personal stuff whilst at work, rather than at home. At the moment however this has not gone as planned, as our workload has increased on the run upto Christmas. Never mind, I'm sure it will all pan out in the long run, it'd better I only have a month left until year end......
So in the meantime I'm blagging the use of other peoples Internet, like Meridians now, as I'm babysitting round at her's, whilst waiting for Santa possibly to deliver me a cheap laptop of my own? maybe???

Hum, so what have I been doing for the last month anyway?

I can remember what I did yesterday. The kids, Meridian and I took a trundle out to Chatsworth House, for a wander around their farm park, with its fabulous play area. I took us some hot dogs in a thermos, for lunch, and I slipped down to the farm cafe to grab a take away hot chocolate, which I think tastes wonderful on a cold morning amongst the swirling leaves. Meridian begs to differ however, she's not into Styrofoam cups ;-)
We saw some roughly week old piglets, and a lovely Shetland pony, who had just been sold to the lady who had seen him before us. Plus the usual cows, sheep, goats, horses, guinea pigs and chickens.
The leaves at Chatsworth were a treat, not quite as red as you would get stateside, we don't get quite the same weather to create those colours, but there certainly was a lovely set of autumnal shades to the canopy, and we enjoyed sitting in a shower of leaves, whilst the kids ran riot around the park. When it got too cold, we retreated to the cafe for coffee and cake. Indulgent us?

I have to say this weekend was much better than last. I was supposed to be saying goodbye to my old friend Darren, who is off to New Zealand for a better life. As it was dd1 went down with tonsillitis on Friday, only it wasn't diagnosed until Monday, so whilst Andy was away larping all weekend, I was at home with a very poorly child (who yet again was supposed to have gone to Grans for the night, but was ill and unwanted because of that) so poor old me had to stay at home with sick kids, whilst all of my old mates went out to party and say goodbye (I have to say I developed a stinking cold too on the Sunday). Life really doesn't want me to party this year at all.

I did get around to Darren's to say bye on Thursday night, again with the kids in tow, and once dd1 had gotten over her screaming fit, we managed a drink and a bowl of ice cream and a play with his daughter too. I dare say I shall be popping back to Nottingham a few times to say goodbye to his wife and dd, who are following him later in the year, as the house still has to be sold, and things packed into containers etc. But I'm guessing it will be a long time before we see them again, bar via web cam, as New Zealand is quite a trek away.